
Words whispered from the Heart...*_^

Sunday, December 26, 2004


I walked into the crowded room,
Looking at the crowd I feel I know.
Wondering why I am here,
And the importance of my presence here.

As I was about to leave the room,
Something caught my attention.
I saw a man beside the window,
Looking across the tranquil sea.

His face was shadowed by the moonlight,
And brightened bye the shining stars.
On his face i can't see what goes inside him,
But I can feel the emotion of what he's going through.

Then he turned his head,
Looking across the familiar crowd.
It seems tat he sensed something,
That only the two of us can understand.

Our eyes met the instant that he turned,
And he stared at for a very long time.
I felt I've been waiting for this exact moment,
For the man I've been looking for a long time.

He started to walk towards my direction,
Keeping his eyes to me every minute, every seconds.
He looks afraid that if he blinks,
i will disapper forever from him again.


Wednesday, May 26, 2004


Most of my life I face my problems alone,
All this time believing that nobody cares for me.
Remembering the hardship that I've been trhough in my life,
I know that I can only depend on myself-
As I face all the trials and obstacles that comes into my life.

Later came an angel from sky
Overpowering the bad aura that surrounded me
Rescuing me from this sinking limbo
Entering my life with full of pleasant things
Never in the world I thought I will feel this kind of emotions
A feeling that cames from the purest heart.

Changing was the last thing I thought I will do, but
An Angel by my side made me believe that everything is possible
Now as day goes by I know htat there is hope for me
Loving every inch of this world for I know that God will not let me down.
All my faith and love blooms again, for God
Saved my life by sending an angel by my side.


Thursday, April 29, 2004


A person is just like a rose...
What's my reasons?

A rose is very beautiful from near and far,
when you look at it carefully
There are thors surrounding its stem.
Thorns that we disregard when looking at the petals.
Petals that attracts us first before looking deep down.

A rose and a person has its similarities
Both can be judge by their appearance
Without looking for the faults that each other brings.


Wednesday, April 21, 2004

A Stranger's Friend

Chapter of my life had been close once again
And there is somoeone that I will never forget.
Realizing what kind of person he is,
Leaving me speechless and profound.
I had never experience this kind of friendship that blossoms between strangers
To me, he is a treasured friend that is rarely found,
Only to those people who understood the true meaning of Friendship


Friday, March 26, 2004

Foolish Heart

Oh, foolish heart of mine,
When will you going to learn.
Loving someone from afar,
Who can't love you in return.

You've been in love twice,
And twice your heart breaks.
Haven't you learn from the past,
That you want to do it all over again.

Oh, tender heart of mine,
Love is not always sweet.
There are times that it is bitter,
To people who doesn't know how to feel.


Monday, September 29, 2003


When I first saw you,
I know that you're special.
There's something inside you,
That makes me viable and well.

You become my insperation,
The apple of my eyes.
It seems crazy, but its true,
'Cause I love you with all my heart.

My friends told me I'm being foolish,
'Cause you will never notice me.
It really hurts knowing the truth,
But still, I love you with all my heart.

I know it sounds crazy,
Loving a man who doesn't know you exist.
Days will pass as time goes by,
And i hope my love will go with it.

My heart is broken ,
I dont know what to do.
It feels like the end of the world,
But just the beginning of my heart ache.

I'm going to start again,
Leaving my past behind.
Maybe, I'm going to find someone,
Who's going to heal my broken heart.



The sun shines through the meadow,
Showering it with its light.
You can smell from the wind,
That the summer has come.

Gone is the cold winter,
And here comes the warm wind.
Birds are singing everywhere,
For the warm pleasure that the summer brings.

Looking at the clear sky,
Savoring its beauty.
Discovering its depth,
Beyond the undisturbed Universe.

Everyone is conscious adn excited,
Planning ahead what they will do.
Some people doesn't care,
But still they spend their summer well.

Summer, what a beauty,
People like it so much.
Doing anything whatever they think,
Just for the fun of what Summber brings.


We've been friends for so long,
I suppose to know you by now.
But things change between us,
That made me strong and alive.

I don't know what I'm feelingm,
And I'm scared to find out.
Afraid of what I might see,
Will change everything we have.

I feel like a bomb ready to explode,
Because of what I feel for you.
My heart is going in tears
But still, I keep it inside.

Is this Love or Friendship?
I don't know what to think.
Why should I be one of the others,
That can't say what they feel.


Memories are treasure that can't be rob.
Always there inside you for keeps.
Remembering it when you're alone,
In day and night will make you happy.

Very delicate that's what it is.
In events that can't be forget.
Curious in everything, that makes it more memorable and alive.

Ugly memories are hard to forget,
You can get over it, but still it needs time.

So, memories, good or bad are still precious.
Over the whole wide world.



Alone in this crowded room,
Sitting alone, far from home.
Staring at people I don't know,
Wishing them to be my friends.

I can't explain what I'm feeling,
A mixture of sandness and despair.
I envy them for what they have,
A friend that will always be there.

I hear them laughing and sharing jokes,
Remembering the group I used to be with.
Memories are the only thing I have,
To keep me strong and alive.

I don't know if I'm going to see them again,
God only knows when and where.
I thank Him very much for what He gave me,
Friends that I Trust and Love.

Our bond is so strong,
That nobody can break us apart.
Eventhough we're oceans away,
I know they're still there with me.

And now as day goes by,
I know, I never be alone again.
Thinking having a friend like them,
I know I'm safe and secure.

I'm proud of what I have,
Friends that I love.
Friends Forever that's what we are,
And will always be.
